Step-by-Step Guide for Shipping Your Already Dried Wedding Bouquet for Preservation Copy

Step-by-Step Guide for Shipping Your Already Dried Wedding Bouquet for Preservation Copy

We understand the sentimental value of your wedding bouquet and are honored to help you preserve those cherished memories. To ensure a seamless preservation process, we have prepared simple yet crucial shipping instructions for you to follow when sending us your precious bouquet.

Shipping Instructions

Plant-Only Policy

Before shipping your wedding bouquet, kindly remove any non-plant objects such as vases, fabric, or paper. We focus solely on preserving the beautiful blooms, and non-plant items sent will not be returned.

Secure Packaging

Wrap your wedding bouquet with ink-free paper, such as copy paper or packing paper. This protective layer will safeguard the delicate flowers during transit and maintain their original beauty.

Fill Gaps Thoughtfully

To prevent shifting during shipping, we recommend filling any empty spaces inside the shipping box with paper rolled into balls. This will keep your bouquet stable and minimize the risk of damage.

Essential Information Inside the Box

Place a piece of paper inside the box with your name, order number, and a brief list of items enclosed (e.g., bouquet and centerpiece). This will help our preservation experts identify your package accurately upon receipt.

Choose a Reliable Box

Select a sturdy cardboard box that can withstand the shipping journey. A durable box will provide an additional layer of protection for your wedding bouquet during transit.

Mark it "Fragile"

For added precaution, label the outside of the box with a prominent "Fragile" sticker. This will ensure that handling personnel exercise extra care while transporting your precious bouquet to us.

Thank you for entrusting us with the preservation of your precious wedding bouquet. By following these straightforward shipping instructions, it will help your bouquet reach us safely and be ready for its preservation journey. We appreciate your cooperation and can't wait to preserve the everlasting beauty of your bouquet. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Safe shipping!